[Trisquel-users] KompoZer ... again
2018-12-07 01:25:47 UTC
After several years of using KompoZer successfully with Triquel_7, I decided
to make one more
try with Trisquel_8. Here's what didn't work and why ... ans what does work,
thanks to Wine.

I mucked around with about a dozen sets of instructions, which all left me
with the same set
of KompoZer files and no way to get Kompozer started ...until I followed
Magic Banana's advice
and tried the dpkg route ... the installation was going swimmingly until the
very last step
until the line "remove kompozer" appeared ... and it was complete.

Then I tried the "get KompoZer for Windows" route, which gave me another set
of KompoZer files,
including several .exe files, which Wine had no difficulty whatsoever to put
into effect.

The source of that apparently seriously maintained KompoZer is

Along the way I tried the LibreOffice extension LibreWeb, but that is
apparently only intended
to enable web content to be shoehorned into spreadsheet cells ... and it
wants an unnamed JRE.

George Langford
