[Trisquel-users] Problems after update
2018-11-25 15:54:37 UTC
I recently had an invitation to upgrade to trisquel 8 which I accepted

When I initially rebooted into my machine the panel had disappeared from the
bottom of my screen. I managed to get that back by typing "gnome-panel &"
into a terminal.

I then managed to find a way to get the panel to load on boot

I went to one of my menus called other and in there I was able to edit the
startup applications.

However at the moment I am not able to shutdown the computer using the Power
Off button in the menu.

Pressing the button doesn't do much.

At the moment to shutdown I have to open a terminal and type poweroff

Please can someone advise how to make the buttons power off

Mason Hock
2018-11-25 18:03:49 UTC
This has to do with the switch from GNOME to MATE and Trisquel's default
desktop environment. What I think happened is that you did not have the
"trisquel" metapackage installed while upgrading. This metapackage would
have installed the needed components of the MATE desktop environment.

Install "trisquel", either using Synaptic or by typing

$ sudo apt install trisquel

into a terminal. Then log out and log in again or reboot. This should
fix the problem. Don't try to use gnome-panel anymore. It will be
replaced with mate-panel.
2018-11-25 20:32:01 UTC

I tried that but then I got this message

Errors were encountered while processing:

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Any advice from here would be very helpful
Mason Hock
2018-11-25 22:24:55 UTC
Post by c***@hotmail.com
Can you try

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install minidlna

? If you get an error, copy/paste the entire message here. If you don't
get an error, try

$ sudo apt install trisquel

2018-12-03 21:16:58 UTC
tried it but got this error

Setting up minidlna (1.1.5+dfsg-2) ...
chown: cannot access '/var/cache/minidlna': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing package minidlna (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Mason Hock
2018-12-03 21:40:04 UTC

$ sudo apt purge minidlna
$ sudo apt clean
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install minidlna

and if that works then retry

$ sudo apt install trisquel
$ sudo apt update
2018-12-03 23:10:52 UTC
Well the good news is that all worked nicely.

I now have a mate-panel

I added this to the startup applications

Unfortunately the problem persists. I cannot shutdown or logout. I also
cannot lockscreen - something I could do before
Mason Hock
2018-12-03 23:27:55 UTC
Post by c***@hotmail.com
I now have a mate-panel
I added this to the startup applications
Hm. You shouldn't have to add mate-panel to Startup Applications. It
should launch automatically like gnome-panel did in Trisquel 7. Remove
mate-panel from Startup Applications. That isn't the issue.

Maybe LightDM (the login screen) is still trying to start a GNOME
session instead of a MATE session. Log out, and at the login screen
see if there's a little login next to your name. If so, click it, and
you'll get a dropdown list of all desktop environments you have
installed. The one we want should be called "MATE" or "Trisquel" or
something along those lines. Select that and try logging in.
2018-12-07 21:49:28 UTC

So I can't logout - because just like shutdown that button isn't working but
I am able to poweroff and then reboot which is what I did.

I then selected the login next to my name and got a dropdown menu. It was
set to Trisquel, but I had the option of a MATE login so I changed to that.

When the desktop loaded there was no panel at all.

I think you may be onto something suggesting that a gnome session is trying
to start rather than the mate session.

I had a look in startup applications again and here is a list of startup

Should I remove any of these?

AT-SPI D-Bus Bus
Backup Monitor
Blueman Applet
Certificate and Key Storage
Evolution Alarm Notify
Mate Setting Daemon
Orca screen reader
Personal File Sharing obexftp
Personal File Sharing obexpush
Personal File Sharing webdav
PolicyKit Authentication Agent
Power Manager
Pring Queue Applet
PulseAudio Sound System
Secret Storage Service
Setting Overlay
SSH Key Agent
Update Notifier

I'll wait for your advice but there are three of the above applications
listed below which all have references to GNOME in their description
Certificate and Key Storage, Secret Storage Service, SSH Key Agent

I'm thinking that I should remove these

Mason Hock
2018-12-07 22:16:02 UTC
Post by c***@hotmail.com
It was
set to Trisquel, but I had the option of a MATE login so I changed to that.
Okay, then MATE is the one we want.
Post by c***@hotmail.com
When the desktop loaded there was no panel at all.

sudo apt install --reinstall trisquel trisquel-recommended

and reboot. I don't know that it will fix the problem, but it's
low-effort enough to be worth trying first.

If that doesn't fix it, run

$ mate-panel

in a terminal. If the panel crashes or does not appear, copy/paste here
any error messages that appear in the terminal.

If the panel launches properly, run

$ dconf-editor

and in the window that launches, navigate to
org -> mate -> desktop -> session- > required-components

Look where it says "panel". The value should be "mate-panel". If the
value is blank or says anything other than "mate-panel", change it to
"mate-panel" and then reboot.
Post by c***@hotmail.com
I had a look in startup applications again and here is a list of startup
Should I remove any of these?
Personally, I'd remove Dropbox because it is proprietary software, but I
don't think that any of your startup programs are causing this problem.
Post by c***@hotmail.com
I'll wait for your advice but there are three of the above applications
listed below which all have references to GNOME in their description
Certificate and Key Storage, Secret Storage Service, SSH Key Agent
Those shouldn't be a problem. I have them too, despite using MATE on a
system that has never had GNOME installed. If we saw "GNOME Settings
Daemon" then that would indicate that this is a GNOME session, but we see
"MATE Settings Daemon" as expected.
2018-12-07 23:41:00 UTC
Okay I followed instructions

It booted without panel, so I ran mate-panel which worked

I then ran dconf-editor and navigated to the session required components.
The value of the panel is already "mate-panel"

That doesn't seem to quite be the issue, but maybe we're getting closer
Mason Hock
2018-12-08 00:40:03 UTC
Post by c***@hotmail.com
It booted without panel, so I ran mate-panel which worked
While mate-panel is running, can you logout/shutdown/etc from the main
menu? If so, then the only problem is that mate-panel isn't started
automatically. If not then there is something else missing as well.
2018-12-08 14:04:14 UTC
Whilst mate-panel loads none of the shutdown/logout buttons work

This I believe is the crux of the problem. So if we can sort this out I
think all will be good.

I've noticed that when I run mate-panel this error message comes up on the

(mate-panel:3374): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion
'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(mate-panel:3374): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion
'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

The panel appears to run properly with the exception that the logout/shutdown
buttons don't work. One other difference is that lockscreen does not work
anymore - with gnome-panel I could still lockscreen
Mason Hock
2018-12-08 17:53:28 UTC
Post by c***@hotmail.com
(mate-panel:3374): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion
'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
From what I can gather searching, I think that this warning is harmless.
Post by c***@hotmail.com
The panel appears to run properly with the exception that the
logout/shutdown buttons don't work. One other difference is that
lockscreen does not work anymore - with gnome-panel I could still
Do those things work from a terminal?

To logout:
$ mate-session-save --logout-dialog

To shutdown:
$ mate-session-save --shutdown-dialog

To lock the screen:
$ mate-screensaver-command --lock

What is the output of the following command?
$ ps -f -u $USER | grep mate

Do you have the same problem if you log into a guest session? You do
this by selecting a guest session instead of your user at the login
screen. Make sure you double check that the dropdown menu says "MATE"
and not "Trisquel" when logging into the guest session.
2018-12-08 20:28:20 UTC
:~$ mate-session-save --logout-dialog
:~$ mate-session-save --shutdown-dialog

** (mate-session-save:2541): WARNING **: Failed to call shutdown: Shutdown
interface is only available during the Running phase
:~$ mate-screensaver-command --lock
** Message: Screensaver is not running!

Above is are the comments to the commands as given - none of them appeared to
do anything but logout went to next line without giving any error messages
2018-12-08 20:29:59 UTC
The output of the ps -f -u $USER | grep mate

myusername 3014 3001 0 20:27 pts/2 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mate

3014 3001 0 20:27 pts/2 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mate
